Bromley Healthcare was established on 1 April 2011 to provide out-of-hospital health services in Bromley. We are a community interest company formed of over 800 people delivering high-quality NHS services in clinics, hospitals, community settings, nursing homes and other many other places.

Bromley Healthcare is an award-winning, independent social enterprise that has been awarded the contract by local healthcare commissioners to deliver community healthcare services. We’ve grown from working in just the borough of Bromley to also providing community health services in Bexley, Greenwich and Lewisham.

You can find out more about us by exploring our website: bromleyhealthcare.org.uk.

Bromley Healthcare is a community healthcare provider, providing a wide range of NHS services to people of all ages. From health visiting to district nursing, school nurses to specialist nurses, our nursing services help new parents to care for new born children and older people to continue living at home through care and support. In addition to this broad range of nursing services we also have a wide range of therapy services for adults and children, including speech and language therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Our specialist services focus on those living with specific conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and diabetes.

Explore our services on the Bromley Healthcare website to find out more

You can either phone on 0300 330 5777, email us at bromh.bromley0to19@nhs.net or use the live chat function on our website, whichever you find easier.

Calls are recorded for training and quality purposes, to find out more visit Privacy | Bromley 0 to 19 Public Health Service.

You can have your baby weighed at one of our Well Baby Clinics where you can also speak with a Health Visitor about any concerns and be given information and advice. Visit the Well Baby Clinics to find out where these are located in the borough of Bromley.

Our Well Baby Clinics are located at various venues across the borough of Bromley. To find out where there are and when they will be taking place, visit the Well Baby Clinics page.

Shortly after your baby is born, we will contact you by telephone to introduce ourselves and discuss coming to visit you at home. 

When your baby is between 10-14 days old, a Health Visitor will visit you and your baby at home for the new birth visit. 

You and your baby will also be offered a further appointment with a Health Visitor, when your baby is between 6-8 weeks old.

Your child will also be offered health and developmental reviews at various stages of their early years. 

School Nurses are qualified Nurses or Midwives who have completed further training. Every school has a named School Nurse who provides advice to children about healthy living and supports them in their choices. 

School Nurses also support schools in the development and review of Individual health Care Plans (ICHPs) for the children and young people who need them.

Our Primary School Screening team will offer to measure your child’s height and weight during Reception year and again in Year 6, as part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP), which they will also review for appropriate interventions for any physical, emotional or developmental problems that may have been missed or not addressed. When your child is in Reception the School Nurse will also carry out an eyesight check. Parents are given the opportunity to opt their child out of the above screening checks.